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2011, A Year in Development, YPS

The Young Professionals Society of Greater Springfield (YPS) helps build a strong community by connecting its members to people, business and issues important to young professionals. They are a fast growing organization with expanding needs. They came to us with a simple request, give us a great looking website that we can update ourselves. Content…

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2011, A Year in Development, Precision Auto

Our second installment brings you the likes of James Sephenson and the crew at Precision Auto Repair in downtown Springfield. James approached us with a slew of concerns regarding his website. First of which was the look of the website itself – it looked outdated and unimpressive. He then asked us to create a strategy…

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2011, A Year in Development

2011 was a great year for DIF Design, and we had a little trouble keeping up with announcing our new website launches. So, each day (business day, that is) until the year closes, we will announce a new website we launched this year. Without further ado, today’s launch announcement comes directly to you from everyone’s…

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TransFluenci’s new website

TransFluenci, formerly Global Link Translations, has been a client of ours for many years. During their third website redesign (second with us) they’ve received a federal contract. This is when the new idea of a completely different website look came to fruition. Fresh, clean and simple website, still offering the same complex functionality of being…

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