Bielmar Inc. launches first of three new websites, Signature Studios
We are delighted to announce the successful launch of Signature Studios’ remarkable new website! As the web developer behind this project, we are excited to present to you an extraordinary online experience that captures the essence of Signature Studios’ creativity and craftsmanship. With a refreshed look and improved functionality, the website aims to inspire visitors…

New website for Luigi’s Restaurant
Well we finally got around to updating this post! Check out the new website for Luigi’s Restaurant in Johnston, Rhode Island. The before and after images below represent the landing screens of each site. Below you will see the before, which has a limited width and did not work well with mobile/tablet devices. We gave…

Witman Properties Launch
Witman properties has been operating in Holyoke, MA for a number of years, providing property management and real estate services to property owners, buyers and sellers. When they contacted us for marketing assistance we quickly went to work researching a new look, not only for their website, but the entirety of their marketing material. Below…

Springfield Business Improvement District
DIF Design is excited to announce the launch of the BID website! Since 1998, the Springfield Business Improvement District (SBID) has aimed to be a driving force of economic, cultural, and social development in downtown Springfield. The SBID’s mission is to facilitate growth within the downtown community and utilize resources efficiently. City revitalization will be…

Introducing 180Fit
[mk_page_section sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][vc_column_text]2014 is off to a great start for our client 180Fit! Brian Roach and Jesse Baker opened their new venture to the public on Monday, January 6th and celebrated with an official ribbon cutting ceremony earlier today, along with Springfield Mayor, Domenic Sarno. Not going to brag, but we made an appearance as well. …

Meet Coin, The New Way to Spend Money
We are one step closer to time travel! Ok, well maybe not, but the new product hitting the streets next summer gives us high hopes that we’ll be seeing the flux capacitor in our future. Meet Coin, the new device that serves as the host of all of your major credit, debit, gift and rewards cards.…

Network Solutions Hacked
Add Network Solutions to the list of hacked / hijacked companies. This is among the scarier hacks, as Network Solution’s servers maintain domains for hundreds of thousands of clients. Some useful info on todays hack can be found here: http://inagist.com/all/357496614690111488/?utm_source=inagist&utm_medium=rss http://www.lightrailsites.com/blog/2013/07/network-solutions-experiencing-problems This type of attack is damaging commerce within the US and abroad. Statistics for…

10 things to ask your web developer
In the late 1990s, services like Geocities allowed individuals and businesses to claim a spot on the world wide web and build simple websites and share their message with the world. Times have surely changed; the web has become a more sophisticated beast, and web users’ expectations have changed in turn. We want to help…

Creativity at work – Macworld cover creation
This video is a great example of how much work it takes to put out a great product. Professional photographer Peter Belanger captures the creativity of photographing, editing, and design of the Macworld magazine cover with one of Apple’s iPhones.

Hot Table’s New Website Featured on Chow Now
In case you haven’t already heard, Hot Table went through a design overhaul last month, introducing a new website and a brand new online ordering app. The new website has already been featured on ChowNow’s Blog and they gave us a shout out for our simple design elements and instinctual creativity. Click here to read…